Terms and Condi­tions

Terms and Condi­tions for the long-distance transac­tions of the Hotel Palace Portoroz, Kempinski Palace Portoroz.

1. Scope of Application

1.1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter called "T&C") apply exclusively to the contracts on the purchase of vouchers in the online shop concluded between ourselves
Kempinski Palace Portoroz
Kempinski Palace Portorož
Hotel Palace Portoroz d.o.o.
Obala 45
6320 Portoroz, Slovenia
VAT: SI 217 127 86
Telephone: +386 5 692 7000

and you as our customer. The T&C apply regardless whether you are a consumer, entrepreneur or trader.
1.2. Any agreements made between you and ourselves in connection with the purchase contract result particularly from these sales terms, our order confirmation and our declaration of acceptance.
1.3. The T&C are applicable in the version which is valid at the time the contract is concluded.
1.4. We do not accept any of the customer’s deviating terms. This shall also apply if we do not expressly object to them.

2. Conclusion of a Contract

2.1. The presentation of articles and their promotion on our website does not constitute a binding offer for concluding a purchase contract, but rather an invitation to you to order the vouchers described in our online shop.
2.2. A contract shall be deemed concluded only as soon as we have accepted your order by our declaration of acceptance or by delivering the vouchers ordered.
2.3. We will save the contractual wording and send the order dates and our T&C to you per e-mail. The T&C can be viewed via the link ( at any time. Your order dates will not be accessible on the Internet anymore for security reasons.
2.4. The only valid language available for concluding the contract is Slovenian.

3. Right of Withdrawal

3.1. If you are a consumer (i.e., a natural person placing an order for a purpose that is not part of your commercial or professional freelance occupation), you are entitled to exercise the right of withdrawal within the scope of legally applicable regulations.
3.2. Should you make use of your right of withdrawal according to clause 3.1., the regular cost of return postage shall be borne by you.
3.3. Furthermore, those regulations shall apply to the right of withdrawal as they are set out in detail in the following
Instruction on the Right of Withdrawal
Right of Withdrawal

You are entitled to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reasons.
The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the date on which you or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires the material possession of the goods or in the case of a contract on several items, from the day on which you or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by you has taken material possession of the last item of the goods.
The withdrawal or return consignment of the voucher has to be addressed to:
Kempinski Palace Portorož
Obala 45
6320 Portoroz, Slovenia
Telephone: +386 5 692 7000

For the purpose of exercising your right of withdrawal, you need to notify us by way of a clear declaration (e.g., by posting a letter, by fax or e-mail) of your decision of withdrawing this contract. You may use the template of form of the withdrawal, but it is not obligatory. If you make use of such option, we will immediately send to you (e.g., by e-mail) a confirmation about the receipt of such withdrawal.
Consequences of Withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall repay to you – immediately and within 14 days at the latest from the day on which we have received your withdrawal of that contract – all payments received from you, including costs for postage (except additional costs resulting from the fact should you have chosen a way of postage other than the most reasonable one suggested by us). For making such payment, we will use the same mode of payment as was used by you in the original transaction; in no case shall any respective re-transaction fees be charged to you. We may hold back return payment as long as we have not received the goods back or until evidence is provided by you that you have returned the goods to us, whatever may apply sooner.
You shall return or hand back to us the goods immediately and, in any case within 14 days at the latest, from the day when you notified us of your withdrawal of that contract. The time limit is deemed if you post the goods prior to the expiry of 14 days.
The immediate cost of return consignment shall be borne by you.
You shall be held liable for any depreciation in the value of the goods if such depreciation can be traced back to your inappropriate handling of the goods regarding their nature, features or functional mode.
- End of the Instruction on the Right of Withdrawal -
3.4. If you choose to withdraw the contract, you can fill in the following form and return it to us
Template of Withdrawal form
Kempinski Palace Portoroz (Hotel Palace Portoroz d.o.o.) | Voucher return | Obala 45 | 6320 Portoroz, Slovenia:
I/we (*) hereby rescind the contract concluded by me/us (*) on the purchase of the
following goods (*)/on the rendering of the following services(*)
– Ordered on(*)/received on(*)
– Name of the consumer(s)
– Address of the consumer(s)
– Signed by the consumer(s) (only on hardcopy notification)
– Date
(*) Delete if inapplicable

4. Prices, Shipping Costs and Terms of Payment

4.1. There is no cash disbursement for the purchased or ordered vouchers. If the consumption is less than the amount stated on the voucher, the customer will receive another voucher with the remaining amount.
4.2. Prices do not include value added tax (hereinafter called "V.A.T."), as the voucher itself represents a 100% credit. V.A.T. is only reflected in the actual calculation by the hotel. All other price in our online shop are gross prices inclusive of V.A.T. and include shipping charges.
4.3. The flat shipping rate per order and regardless of the quantity ordered is 4,50 EUR, if you choose despatch by post. For despatch by courier the respective courier fees shall be charged. In case you download the voucher or receive it by e-mail, there are no further shipping costs.
4.4. In case you withdraw the contract according to clause 3, you can claim refund of the costs you had paid for the despatch (costs of sending) under the legal conditions.
4.5. The voucher is only valid upon receipt of the full payment made by the customer.
4.6. All vouchers are valid for one (1) year and must be redeemed within this period and only 14 days after the full payment.
4.7. Our invoices are due immediately. Payment shall be made by credit card (MasterCard, VISA or verified by VISA) or by encrypted immediate online-transaction after the order has been completed – if available.

5. Delivery dates and deadlines

5.1. The term of delivery will be agreed individually or stated by us in acceptance of the order. Should this not be the case, the regular term of delivery is between 3 to 5 business days since formation of the contract. Please consider that because of customs regulations and long shipping ways the exact delivery date cannot be foreseen for deliveries abroad. The delivery will be effected at the address stated by the customer.
5.2. If we cannot meet the agreed delivery date for a reason for which we are not responsible (operational breakdown, strike, lock-out, power supply problems, our own supplies having been delayed or omitted especially in case of conclusion of a concrete covering transaction etc.), we will inform you of this immediately. In such case, you shall not be entitled to claim rescission.
5.3. Partial deliveries are permitted to the extent that they are reasonable for the customer.

6. Retention of Title

6.1. The hotel retains title to the goods until all legitimate claims have been completely fulfilled.  For customers who are not consumers, this takes effect until complete fulfilment of all claims arising under the total business relation with the customer.
6.2. For customers who are not consumers, the following provisions applies additionally: The customer shall be entitled to sell the goods subject to the reservation of tittle in the normal course of business. You hereby assign to us all the claims that arise from the resale. We accept the assignment. You are authorised to collect the assigned debts as long as you are not in default of payment. We are entitled to revoke this direct debit as soon as you can not meet your payment obligation. In this case you are obligated to make all the entries that are required to collect the accounts receivable. If the goods subject to the reservation of title are combined with other items, the reservation of title shall continue to apply with respect to the newly created item. We shall thereby acquire a co-ownership share in the ratio of the value (invoice value) of the goods subject to the reservation of title to the value of the other combined items. If one of the combined items is regarded as the main item, you shall transfer to us a co-ownership share in the ratio of the value of the goods supplied by us (invoice value) to the value of the other combined items. You shall keep the newly created item in safe custody, free of charge.
6.3. In the event that the law applicable in the country, in which the subject matter of the delivery is located, does not permit the agreement of a reservation of title, or does so only in a limited form, we may reserve other rights over the delivered goods. You are obliged to assist with all measures (e.g. registration) necessary for effecting the reservation of title or rights in substitution of a reservation of title, and to assist in the safeguarding of such rights.

7. Warranty Claims

7.1. For customers who are consumers the statutory provisions for warranty shall apply. In the event of claiming warranty, please contact the address as set out under clause 1.
7.2. For customers who are not consumers, the following provisions applies additionally: Your warranty are firstly limited to the right of reworking or replacement delivery after granting an appropriate period of time. In the event of failure, i.e. impossibility, impracticality, refusal or unreasonable delay in reworking delivered goods or delivering replacement goods, you shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract or reduce the purchase price appropriately. The period of warranty for defective goods supplied by us is 12 months from the passing of risk. This time limit does not apply to damage claims arising from injury to life, body or health or arising from intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by us or our agents in contract. In such case shall applies the statutory provisions.

8. Liability

8.1. We are liable for any culpable breach of our essential contractual obligation accordance with the statutory provisions. Essential contractual obligations (so called "cardinal obligations") are such obligations that need to be fulfilled in order for the contract to be properly performed. However, unless our conduct has been either grossly negligent or intentional, we shall be liable only for the typically accruing and foreseeable damage.
8.2. In all other cases we are liable if damages has been caused intentionally or grossly negligently by one of our statutory representatives or by a vicarious agent.
8.3. In the case of assumption of a guarantee or for damages arising from injury to life, body or health we are liable according with the statutory provisions.
8.4. Liability according to the law relating to product liability shall remain unaffected.
8.5. Otherwise claims against us for damages arising out of breaches of duty are excluded.
8.6. No liability will be accepted for late delivery in the post.

9. Data Protection

9.1. We collect, process and use your personal data, for the processing of your order, including your e-mail address when you reveal it to us. For checking the credit standing, we may use information (e.g., a so-called score value) from external service providers. Such information also includes information about your address. The personal data are subject to a computer-assisted processing and storage. The information will not be shared with third parties.
9.2. Your security is top priority! Therefore security-relevant data like credit card number, bank code, bank account number, name and address will be transferred encrypted via SSL line. This ensures that no unauthorized person can access your data during the internet transmission. To ensure further security, we implement extra security measures in our voucher shop.
9.3. Your rights subject to the Law of Protection of Personal Data shall remain unaffected.

10. Final clauses

10.1. The place of performance for the rights and duties of both contracting parties (businessman, legal person or any person whether governed by public law or public law special fund) arising from legal transactions of any kind, as well as for payments in particular, is exclusively Portorož. The same shall apply for persons who do not have their general place of jurisdiction in Slovenia, or who have relocated abroad following the conclusion of the agreement, or whose place abode or regular place of residence is unknown at the same time of the action being filed.
10.2. The invalidity of individual provisions of this contract shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and continued existence of the contract. A reasonable regulations shall apply instead of the ineffective or impracticable provisions or shall fill the gap, which – as far as legally possible – is closest to that what the contractual parties wanted and would have wanted according to the sense and purpose of the contract, so far they had considered the point upon competition of the contract or with later inclusion of a provision. The same shall apply in case of a gap in this contract.
10.3. The law of the Republic of Slovenia applies for contracts between the provider and the customer.
Kempinski Palace Portorož
Hotel Palace Portoroz d.o.o.
Obala 45
6320 Portoroz, Slovenia
VAT: SI 217 127 86
Telephone: +386 5 692 7000